Sunday, 9 May 2021

Progress on Paining SYW units from the Battle of Minden 1759

  Like most of us I have more than one project underway.  This is my progress over the bank holiday and following weekend working on the British/German side of the Battle of Minden 1659.

Brunswick Behr (1 bn) & Imhoff (2 bns)

                                                           Hessian Leib Grenadier

Hanoverian Converged Grenadiers (1 bn) under Wersabe

Hessian Gilsa (1bn)  & Hessian Leibgarde zu Fuss (1 bn)

Progress so far

Not yet painted are in red

Main Army under Ferdinand of Brunswick

Seventh column under Lieutenant-General von Imhoff

Major-General von Einsiedel's BrigadeMajor-General von Behr's Brigade

Eighth column: Left Wing under Lieutenant-General the Duke of Holstein

Lieutenant-General the Duke of Holstein's BrigadeLieutenant-General von Urff's Brigade

Wangenheim Corps between the village of Kutenhausen and the Weser

Cavalry Right Wing

 Prussian Ruesch Hussars (1)

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